
Ncell Capital gain tax settled by government in 22 Arab 44 Crore

Large Tax Payer’s office have settled the Ncell tax issue in Rs 22 Arab and 44 Crore.

Officer-Jhalakram Adhikari told they have informed the Ncell by issuing a letter to pay the tax within 15 days from the date of issuance.

In Baisakh, Large Tax payer office have informed Ncell to pay the Capital Gain tax during acquisition of shares of Telesoneria. The amount was finalized in 60 Arab 71 Crore and 24 Lakh. However on this amount, 21 Arab and 54 crore have been paid by Ncell so remaining 39 Arab and 6 crore need to be paid within 7 days of issuance.

However, Ncell have gone to the supreme court on the decision made by Large Tax Payer office. Supreme court have finalized its decision by levied the 50% charge.

After this decision, Capital gain tax remain at 21 Arab and 10 crore. After the fine, the Ncell need to pay 22 Arab and 44 Crore as the total capital gain tax.

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