Ncell illegally collected Rs 32 crore from users
Nepal Telecommunication Authority have fined Ncell for collecting money from users in the name of different services. NTA told, Ncell have been collecting more than Rs 32 crore in the name of Value Added Services(VAS) operating illegally.
Under different criteria, NTA have charged just Rs 10 lakh for Ncell who have been involving in looting such huge amount. According to Techpana, Ncell have been operating various services like Love Detector and Voice Magic without any consent approval from NTA.
Ncell have been running Love detector service before 2 years without any approval. NTA, have directed the Ncell to stop running such services as it have created the violence too. Ncell have been collecting more than Rs 14 crore from the love detector, as NTA told.
Also, another service Voice Magic, from which Ncell have been collecting more than Rs 18 crore which they have been running without any approval from NTA. Similarly, Ncell have been deducting the balance from users in the name of “Auto-renew”.
The findings from NTA shows that, Ncell users were auto subscribed and auto renewed on the VAS services without any users approval. This have created a chaos in the Ncell users since they have been facing such issues from few years. Some people even say”Ncell lutna ko lagi” and the findings from NTA also shows a similar motive of the company.
Some people argue that, Ncell have been maintaining high profile in every field so they were not fined or charged effectively. So there must be a very strict rules and regulations in-order to reduce such intentional and motive works.