Nepal uses Satellite for census in Lipulek Limpiyadhura
Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) Nepal , used satellite for census in Lipulek and Limpiyadhura. The satellite option was proposed by CBS as Nepal couldn’t send supervisors and gadak to count the actual population.
The CBS currently is working to count the population of Nepal of 2078 BS. The counting of population begins from Kartik 27 to Mangsir 9 2078. The CBS have been periodically counting the population of Nepal in after every 10 years. The first census was started in Nepal from 1968 BS (1911 AD). This is the 12th census.
CBS in 2018 BS have counted the population of Lipulek, Limpiyadhura and Kalapani. But now, due to Indian obstacles and hindrance, Nepal couldnot send the supervisors and counters to count the actual population. According to CBS, the multiple diplomatic appeal to Indian Government for access to Lipulek and Limpiyadhura went fail. So, as an alternative option, satellite would be used to count the population.
According to central bureau of statistics, people of Lipulek and Limpiyadhura mostly reside in Kuti, Nabhi and Kunchi areas. Bureau further estimates that there is 300 household and total population of 700/800. So the uses of satellite for census purpose in Lipulek and Limpiyadhura will be very useful.
How satellite will be used to count population?
The satellite uses the images of the houses located in those region. The central bureau of statistics, based on the houses count will outline the average population by assumption. This will not incur the correct data however there is not any options from doing this.
The uses of satellite to count the population of Nepal is first of its kind. However, using satellite to estimates the population have been a long practice but frequency is very less. The primary use of satellite is in the areas which is very far or counting population during civil war and conflicts.
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The uses of satellite is cost effective, fast and automated as comparison to on ground collection of data. The disadvantage is that it will not be as accurate as more traditional “on ground” census collection, however it is suggested that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
Timeline Population of Nepal:
This year 2078 census marked the 13 periodical census, starting from 1968 BS ( 1911 AD). The census of 2078 is still not disclosed as the counting work have been carried out. The population of Nepal from 1968 BS is given below:
Uses of Census Statistics
The collection of data of each person helps to do plan and create new policies. The socio-economic analysis of community and their constituents are known. In Nepal, National Planning Commission NPC uses the population statistics accordingly to create programs that the society can benefited from. In 2078 census, there were various questionnaire like how the house is made up of, access to internet or not, types of drinking water, if women have property or not and many more. This figures out how the women are empowered in the family in terms of property. The literacy rate, ethnicity, caste, education, migration cause, etc are also included which helps to evaluate which ethnicity needs to empower.
About Central Bureau of Statistics:
Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) was established in 1959 under Statistics Act, 2015 BS as the central agency for the collection, consolidation, processing, analysis, publication and dissemination of statistics.
The main objective of setting up CBS is to avail data to National Planning Comission and other Government agencies for the formulation of national plans, policies and also produces national account estimates to measure the economic growth of the country. It carries out different household surveys and censuses regularly to assess the socio- economic condition of the country.
The major tasks, which CBS has been performing, are decennial population census, agriculture census and quinquennial manufacturing establishment census. In addition, many household surveys like living standard surveys, labor force surveys and multiple indicator surveillance are indispensable tasks, which CBS has been accomplishing. The role of the CBS is always decisive for the effective functioning of the national statistical system as a whole. It promotes collaborative research efforts among members of academic community, data producers and users. It has a prominent role in developing statistical system and maintaining statistical standard in the country.