Vianet 10 Gbps Internet Speed-Redefining Connectivity-Details
Vianet Communication have unleashed its 10 Gbps internet speed claiming to create evolution in connectivity. They worked to enhance internet speed as other market players have already shared 1 Gbps internet package to customer.
According to Vianet Communication, this speed was because of XGS tech enabled, which is first kind in Nepal. So, this is the Nepal’s first Multi-Gig Internet connection based on the latest XGS Technology.
So, What is XGS Fiber technology?
XGS-PON, which stands for 10 Gigabit Symmetrical Passive Optical Network, is an updated standard for Passive Optical Network (PON) fiber-based transmission technology, that supports high-speed 10 gigabit per second (Gbps) symmetrical data transfers. G-PON is nothing but an distributed optical fiber at customer end. This means that XGS-PON technology is capable of delivering last-mile broadband network access at speeds of up to 10 Gbps downstream and 10 Gbps upstream. Current Gigabit Passive Optical Network (GPON) Technology has limitations of maximum speeds of 2.4 Gbps Download and 1.2 Gbps Upload.
So XGS enabled GPON would have 8 times performance, speed and reliability than traditional GPON. This upgraded technology have been implemented by Vianet to provide 10Gbps internet speed.
Internet Package?
Currently they are providing two packages, XGS-Extreme Pro and XGS-Extreme-Pro Plus. Please check the following details.

According to Vianet Communication, the XGS-Extreme products are available in the following locations inside valley:
Kathmandu: Lazimpat, Panipokhari, Maharajgunj, Chandol, Gairidhara, Samakhusi
Lalitpur: Jawalakhel, Ekantakuna, Manbhawan, Kumaripati, Mahalaxmisthan, Pulchowk, Kupondole, Jhamsikhel, Dhobighat.
The services is expanding and you can call 01-5970444, 9801046410, Toll Free No.(NTC) : 16600188444 or send email to or
Price ?
The cost for this XGS Extreme package would be tentative 70-80 thousand per year. It seems quite expensive but when compared to the speed they are offering, it is justifiable. Not everyone would need this package too and will be mostly useful for corporate who needs higher bandwidth.
In a nutshell, the way Vianet have come up with such high speed connectivity as XGS Extreme, it would surely fulfill the customer cravings for speed.