
NTA issues notice against United Telecom (UTL)-warns for License cancel

Nepal Telecom Authority (NTA), governing body for Telecom and ISP in Nepal have issued notice against United Telecom (UTL) to cancel the license. This notice was issued as UTL have not paid dues worth 6 Arba 42 Crores.

NTA have issued notice stating the UTL to settle the amount within 15 days from the notice date 2081-02-25.

united telecom UTL news
united telecom UTL news

September 5, 2016, UTL obtained a basic telephone service license. If the dues are not paid on time, NTA shall revoke UTL’s mobile service license as stated in their notice.

Prior, UTL had challenged the NTA’s choice to force fines and charges at the Preeminent Court. In any case, the pinnacle court on February 6, 2024 rejected UTL’s summons request challenging NTA’s choice to gather the back payments.

UTL at first moved the Incomparable Court contending that the NTA did not amplify its permit for laying the optical fiber beneath a extend worth Rs 2 billion. This case too caused problems for the NTA to gather the back payments.

Be that as it may, a division seat of SC Judges Prakash Man Singh Raut and Abdul Aziz Musalman subdued all the petitions recorded by UTL expressing that the company needed substantial ground to demonstrate its charges.

In spite of confronting monetary troubles, UTL secured the extend to lay the optical fiber in collaboration with the at that point NTA chairman Digambar Jha. As the contract was to be ended due to need of work advance, UTL locked in in another buy understanding with Tele Infra Nepal.

The NTA at that point chosen not to resume the venture due to non-performance of work on portion of UTL but it may not execute the choice due to the case recorded at the SC.

In spite of need of work advance, UTL has not returned the mobilization finance of Rs 400 million gotten as development installment. NTA has not however chosen what to do almost the unused fund. 

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